November 5, 2008

Christian Larson: "The development of the will"

Original painting by Juan Bielsa - New Matsushima

New Matsushima
Painting by Juan Bielsa
Oil on canvas - 55 x 46 cm

Say to yourself a hundred times every day and mean it with all your heart :

I will become more than I am.

I will achieve more and more every day because I know that I can.

I will recognise only that which is good in myself; only that which is good in others; only that in all things and places that I know should live and grow.

When adversity threatens I will be more determined than ever in my life to prove that I can turn all things to good account.

And when those whom I have trusted seem to fail me, I will have a thousand times more faith in the honour and nobleness of man.

I will think only of that which has virtue and worth.

I will wish only for that which can give freedom and truth.

I will expect only that which can add to the welfare of the world.

I will live to live more.

I will speak to give encouragement, inspiration and joy.

I will work to be of service to an ever-increasing number.

And in every thought, word and action my ruling desire shall be to enrich, ennoble and beautify existence for all who come my way.

Christian Larson

Your forces and how to use them (1912)